undefined## Spring Cloud Config Server {#spring-cloud-config-server}

The Server provides an HTTP, resource-based API for external configuration (name-value pairs, or equivalent YAML content). The server is easily embeddable in a Spring Boot application using the @EnableConfigServer annotation.

Environment Repository

Where do you want to store the configuration data for the Config Server? The strategy that governs this behaviour is the EnvironmentRepository, serving Environment objects. This Environment is a shallow copy of the domain from the Spring Environment (including propertySources as the main feature). The Environment resources are parametrized by three variables:

  • {application} maps to "spring.application.name" on the client side;

  • {profile} maps to "spring.active.profiles" on the client (comma separated list); and

  • {label} which is a server side feature labelling a "versioned" set of config files.

Repository implementations generally behave just like a Spring Boot application loading configuration files from a "spring.config.name" equal to the {application} parameter, and "spring.profiles.active" equal to the {profiles} parameter. Precedence rules for profiles are also the same as in a regular Boot application: active profiles take precedence over defaults, and if there are multiple profiles the last one wins (like adding entries to a Map).

Example: a client application has this bootstrap configuration:


    name: foo
    active: dev,mysql

(as usual with a Spring Boot application, these properties could also be set as environment variables or command line arguments).

If the repository is file-based, the server will create an Environment from application.yml (shared between all clients), and foo.yml (with foo.yml taking precedence). If the YAML files have documents inside them that point to Spring profiles, those are applied with higher precendence (in order of the profiles listed), and if there are profile-specific YAML (or properties) files these are also applied with higher precedence than the defaults. Higher precendence translates to a PropertySource listed earlier in the Environment. (These are the same rules as apply in a standalone Spring Boot application.)

Git Backend

The default implementation of EnvironmentRepository uses a Git backend, which is very convenient for managing upgrades and physical environments, and also for auditing changes. To change the location of the repository you can set the "spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri" configuration property in the Config Server (e.g. in application.yml). If you set it with a file: prefix it should work from a local repository so you can get started quickly and easily without a server, but in that case the server operates directly on the local repository without cloning it (it doesn’t matter if it’s not bare because the Config Server never makes changes to the "remote" repository). To scale the Config Server up and make it highly available, you would need to have all instances of the server pointing to the same repository, so only a shared file system would work. Even in that case it is better to use the ssh: protocol for a shared filesystem repository, so that the server can clone it and use a local working copy as a cache.

This repository implementation maps the {label} parameter of the HTTP resource to a git label (commit id, branch name or tag). If the git branch or tag name contains a slash ("/") then the label in the HTTP URL should be specified with the special string "(_)" instead (to avoid ambiguity with other URL paths). Be careful with the brackets in the URL if you are using a command line client like curl (e.g. escape them from the shell with quotes '').

Spring Cloud Config Server supports a single or multiple git repositories:

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
            simple: https://github.com/simple/config-repo
              pattern: pattern*,*pattern1*
              uri: https://github.com/special/config-repo
              pattern: local*
              uri: file:/home/configsvc/config-repo

In the above example, if {application} does not match any of the patterns, it will use the default uri defined under "spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri". For the "simple" repository, the pattern is "simple" (i.e. it only matches one application named "simple"). The pattern format is a comma-separated list of application names with wildcards (a pattern beginning with a wildcard may need to be quoted).

Note the "one-liner" short cut used in the "simple" example above can only be used if the only property to be set is the URI. If you need to set anything else (credentials, pattern, etc.) you need to use the full form.

Every repository can also optionally store config files in sub-directories, and patterns to search for those directories can be specified as searchPaths. For example at the top level:

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          searchPaths: foo,bar*

In this example the server searches for config files in the top level and in the "foo/" sub-directory and also any sub-directory whose name begins with "bar".

By default the server clones remote repositories when configuration is first requested. The server can be configured to clone the repositories at startup. For example at the top level:

          uri: https://git/common/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-a-*
                cloneOnStart: true
                uri: http://git/team-a/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-b-*
                cloneOnStart: false
                uri: http://git/team-b/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-c-*
                uri: http://git/team-a/config-repo.git

In this example the server clones team-a’s config-repo on startup before it accepts any requests. All other repositories will not be cloned until configuration from the repository is requested.

To use HTTP basic authentication on the remote repository add the "username" and "password" properties separately (not in the URL), e.g.

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          username: trolley
          password: strongpassword

If you don’t use HTTPS and user credentials, SSH should also work out of the box when you store keys in the default directories (~/.ssh) and the uri points to an SSH location, e.g. "[email protected]

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:configuration/cloud-configuration". The repository is accessed using JGit, so any documentation you find on that should be applicable.

File System Backend

There is also a "native" profile in the Config Server that doesn’t use Git, but just loads the config files from the local classpath or file system (any static URL you want to point to with "spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations"). To use the native profile just launch the Config Server with "spring.profiles.active=native".

Warning The default value of the searchLocations is identical to a local Spring Boot application (so [classpath:/, classpath:/config, file:./, file:./config]) which will expose the application.properties from the server to all clients.
Tip A filesystem backend is great for getting started quickly and for testing. To use it in production you need to be sure that the file system is reliable, and shared across all instances of the Config Server.

This repository implementation maps the {label} parameter of the HTTP resource to a suffix on the search path, so properties files are loaded from each search location and a subdirectory with the same name as the label (the labelled properties take precedence in the Spring Environment).

Health Indicator

Config Server comes with a Health Indicator that checks if the configured EnvironmentRepository is working. By default it asks the EnvironmentRepository for an application named app, the default profile and the default label provided by the EnvironmentRepository implementation.

You can configure the Health Indicator to check more applications along with custom profiles and custom labels, e.g.

              label: mylabel
              name: myservice
              profiles: development

You can disable the Health Indicator by setting spring.cloud.config.server.health.enabled=false.


You are free to secure your Config Server in any way that makes sense to you (from physical network security to OAuth2 bearer tokens), and Spring Security and Spring Boot make it easy to do pretty much anything.

To use the default Spring Boot configured HTTP Basic security, just include Spring Security on the classpath (e.g. through spring-boot-starter-security). The default is a username of "user" and a randomly generated password, which isn’t going to be very useful in practice, so we recommend you configure the password (via security.user.password) and encrypt it (see below for instructions on how to do that).

Encryption and Decryption

Important Prerequisites: to use the encryption and decryption features you need the full-strength JCE installed in your JVM (it’s not there by default). You can download the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" from Oracle, and follow instructions for installation (essentially replace the 2 policy files in the JRE lib/security directory with the ones that you downloaded).

If the remote property sources contain encryted content (values starting with {cipher}) they will be decrypted before sending to clients over HTTP. The main advantage of this set up is that the property values don’t have to be in plain text when they are "at rest" (e.g. in a git repository). If a value cannot be decrypted it is replaced with an empty string, largely to prevent cipher text being used as a password and accidentally leaking.

If you are setting up a remote config repository for config client applications it might contain an application.yml like this, for instance:


    username: dbuser
    password: '{cipher}FKSAJDFGYOS8F7GLHAKERGFHLSAJ'

You can safely push this plain text to a shared git repository and the secret password is protected.

The server also exposes /encrypt and /decrypt endpoints (on the assumption that these will be secured and only accessed by authorized agents). If you are editing a remote config file you can use the Config Server to encrypt values by POSTing to the /encrypt endpoint, e.g.

$ curl localhost:8888/encrypt -d mysecret

The inverse operation is also available via /decrypt (provided the server is configured with a symmetric key or a full key pair):

$ curl localhost:8888/decrypt -d 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda

Take the encypted value and add the {cipher} prefix before you put it in the YAML or properties file, and before you commit and push it to a remote, potentially insecure store. The /encypt and /decrypt endpoints also both accept paths of the form /*/{name}/{profiles} which can be used to control cryptography per application (name) and profile when clients call into the main Environment resource.

Note to control the cryptography in this granular way you must also provide a @Bean of type TextEncryptorLocator that creates a different encryptor per name and profiles. The one that is provided by default does not do this.

The spring command line client (with Spring Cloud CLI extensions installed) can also be used to encrypt and decrypt, e.g.

$ spring encrypt mysecret --key foo
$ spring decrypt --key foo 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda

To use a key in a file (e.g. an RSA public key for encyption) prepend the key value with "@" and provide the file path, e.g.

$ spring encrypt mysecret --key @${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

The key argument is mandatory (despite having a -- prefix).

Key Management

The Config Server can use a symmetric (shared) key or an asymmetric one (RSA key pair). The asymmetric choice is superior in terms of security, but it is often more convenient to use a symmetric key since it is just a single property value to configure.

To configure a symmetric key you just need to set encrypt.key to a secret String (or use an enviroment variable ENCRYPT_KEY to keep it out of plain text configuration files).

To configure an asymmetric key you can either set the key as a PEM-encoded text value (in encrypt.key), or via a keystore (e.g. as created by the keytool utility that comes with the JDK). The keystore properties are encrypt.keyStore.* with * equal to

  • location (a Resource location),

  • password (to unlock the keystore) and

  • alias (to identify which key in the store is to be used).

The encryption is done with the public key, and a private key is needed for decryption. Thus in principle you can configure only the public key in the server if you only want to do encryption (and are prepared to decrypt the values yourself locally with the private key). In practice you might not want to do that because it spreads the key management process around all the clients, instead of concentrating it in the server. On the other hand it’s a useful option if your config server really is relatively insecure and only a handful of clients need the encrypted properties.

Creating a Key Store for Testing

To create a keystore for testing you can do something like this:

$ keytool -genkeypair -alias mytestkey -keyalg RSA \
  -dname "CN=Web Server,OU=Unit,O=Organization,L=City,S=State,C=US" \
  -keypass changeme -keystore server.jks -storepass letmein

Put the server.jks file in the classpath (for instance) and then in your application.yml for the Config Server:

    location: classpath:/server.jks
    password: letmein
    alias: mytestkey
    secret: changeme

Using Multiple Keys and Key Rotation

In addition to the {cipher} prefix in encrypted property values, the Config Server looks for {name:value} prefixes (zero or many) before the start of the (Base64 encoded) cipher text. The keys are passed to a TextEncryptorLocator which can do whatever logic it needs to locate a TextEncryptor for the cipher. If you have configured a keystore (encrypt.keystore.location) the default locator will look for keys in the store with aliases as supplied by the "key" prefix, i.e. with a cipher text like this:

  bar: `{cipher}{key:testkey}...`

the locator will look for a key named "testkey". A secret can also be supplied via a {secret:…​} value in the prefix, but if it is not the default is to use the keystore password (which is what you get when you build a keytore and don’t specify a secret). If you do supply a secret it is recommended that you also encrypt the secrets using a custom SecretLocator.

Key rotation is hardly ever necessary on cryptographic grounds if the keys are only being used to encrypt a few bytes of configuration data (i.e. they are not being used elsewhere), but occasionally you might need to change the keys if there is a security breach for instance. In that case all the clients would need to change their source config files (e.g. in git) and use a new {key:…​} prefix in all the ciphers, checking beforehand of course that the key alias is available in the Config Server keystore.

Tip the {name:value} prefixes can also be added to plaintext posted to the /encrypt endpoint, if you want to let the Config Server handle all encryption as well as decryption.

Embedding the Config Server

The Config Server runs best as a standalone application, but if you need to you can embed it in another application. Just use the @EnableConfigServer annotation and (optionally) set spring.cloud.config.server.prefix to a path prefix, e.g. "/config", to serve the resources under a prefix. The prefix should start but not end with a "/". It is applied to the @RequestMappings in the Config Server (i.e. underneath the Spring Boot prefixes server.servletPath and server.contextPath). Another optional property that can be useful in this case is spring.cloud.config.server.bootstrap which is a flag to indicate that the server should configure itself from its own remote repository. The flag is off by default because it can delay startup, but when embedded in another application it makes sense to initialize the same way as any other application.